
Around 200 students actively participate in Blood Donation camps, Congress Grass eradication programme, Campus cleaning, Pazar Talao, construction of roads in the villages, road safety, helping and guiding rural people in sanitation,health, etc.

• National Cadet Corps Company of 108 male cadets is attached to 21 Maharashtra Bn. and a section of 12 Female cadets is attached to 3 rd Girls Maharashtra
• NCC cadets represented the college in the Republic Day Parade at Delhi.
• NCC cadets participated in Basic Leadership Camp, National Integration Camp at Delhi.
• Promotes among the students the spirit of Unity, Integrity and Independence .

• Indoor Games : Table Tennis, Chess, Carom.
• Outdoor Games : Football, Hockey, Volleyball, Badminton, Basketball, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Handball, Cricket.
• Athletics

Personality Development Programmes
Personality Development Programmes are held to motivate students participation in extra-curricular activities .

Fee Concessions
• Government of India Scholorships / Freeships for – SC, ST, NT, SBC,OBC students.
• State Government Fee Concessions of – EBC, PTC, Freedom Fighter, Open Merit, Physically handicapped, Eklavya, Ex – Serviceman,Freedom Fighter Scholorships.

Internal Quality Assurance Cell
• Quality Assurance Cell was constituted in the college, with a view to bring out qualitative improvement.
• The meetings of the cell are regulary held.

Internet Facility
The college has an equipped Computer Lab with the facility of internet connections, to which the faculty as well as the students have an open access.

Study Tours and Excursions
Educational Tours and Field Visits are undertaken to inculcate qualities like independence and leadership into the students.

Student Co-operative Consumer Store
• A Co-operative Consumer Store is run for the teaching, non-teaching staff and students.
• Stationery, laboratory equipment, notebooks, practical books are available in the store.
Incentives & Prizes
- Incentives and Prizes are given to the promising and outstanding students in Sports, Extension and Cultural activities.
- Arrangements are made for re-conducting practicals, tests and tutorials missed by the players on account of their sports activities and tournaments.
- Tracksuits and required sports material are provided to the players.
- Special coaching by experts in the respective fields is provided with the support of Sports Authority of India, State Sports Association and District Sports Association.
- Prizes are also given to the students for their outstanding performance in the university and college examinations.
- Prizes are also given by the faculty members.
The Staff club
- The Staff Club is a unique activity of the college.
- It was started in the academic year 1967-68 with the purpose of promoting,in the faculty, Research, Scholarship and the Art of Group discussion.
- It regularly organises Paper Reading programmes on different topics.
- Every session,their are two functions of the Staff Club, in which the members of the staff who have retired and those who have made any notable acadamic or social achievement are felicitated at the hands of the chairman of the management.
- The staff members who have newly married are also felicitated.
Support to Bright Students
- Providing library facilities
- Giving reading materials.
- Giving special exposure during various seminars.
- Encouragement to partcipate in inter college Competitions.
- Special guidance and counselling for careers.
- Yeshwant Scholarship
- HPCL Scholarship

Pollution-free Campus
- Tree Plantation program takes place on 15th August and the entire premises is cleaned by the staff and students on 2nd oct.
- It is a regular feature of the college.
- The college garden has been recently developed by the Management.
- Congress Grass Eradication Programme is organised every year,so as to keep the campus pollution-free.